Earwax (or cerumen) is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal. Its purpose is to protect and clean the skin of the human ear canal while protecting it from debris, bacteria and water. Sometimes the ear produces too much wax which can become impacted and press against the eardrum. This can impair the ability to hear. We can assist in the safe removal of ear wax.
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Could your hearing loss be as simple as earwax?
Some people just make more earwax than others. Over time, wax builds up in your ear canal and can harden and become stuck, despite your best efforts to clean it out. Cleaning with swabs can actually make the situation worse by pushing the wax in deeper. You can’t feel this buildup, but it can lead to temporary hearing loss.
Call or text us to schedule a visit. We’ll check your ears and can unplug them right away, if need be.